Don’t give up because you feel that your dreams for being organized are unobtainable. The first thing a professional organizer will tell you is to not bite off more than you can chew. Setting a timeline for those small bites to reach your goals will help. As professional organizers, we love to help clients get organized. We inspire and come up with plans for them to get started. Here are some ideas to start strong in 2017!
1) Hire a professional
We’ve never met a professional organizer that didn’t love an organizing challenge and we are enthusiastic, optimistic and clever.
2) Ask a friend or family member for help It really helps to have someone else with you to bounce around ideas and assist with the decision making process, but make sure they won’t distract you from the project.
3) Start with the area that bothers you the mostThe kitchen table piled high, the countertops that are spilling over or a bookcase that has no purpose.
4) Bring items up and off the floor
Dust off that folding table in the garage and use it for a work table (waist high).
5) Sort your items by category
Pencils and pens, candles, work clothes.
It’s much easier to donate or toss items when you have gathered them all together in one place and see the abundance that you have.
6) Put your donations in your car
Garbage in the garbage can and recycling in the recycle bin.
It is much easier to get those donations out of the house and to their destination if you put them in your car at the end of your organizing day.
7) A place for everything and everything in its place
In order to put away your things, you must have a place to put them – and label it too.
8) Curb your Shopping
The fewer items you bring into your home the easier and better your life will be.
Last but not least, organizing takes time. After all, how long has it taken for you to get here? Little by little, one step at a time, you will notice small changes that will make a big difference. You’ve got this!
This post was created by the following NBOC members:
Karen Pascoe of Organizing That Suits You
Donna Roses of Donna Declutter